Melbourne Marathon Spartans UNOFFICIAL

Last update was

Melbourne Marathon Spartans Club is for runners completing at least 10 Melbourne Marathons between and .

There are 1331 Spartans and 18310 Spartan performances as at 2016. The following are active Spartans-

Horizontal scroll → 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 1 Geoff Adams 12 5:12:45 4:50:55 5:15:25 5:31:00 2 John Adams 17 4:18:37 3:42:47 4:23:15 4:03:42 3 Phillip Agnew 11 5:21:41 4 Mark Alexander 13 3:53:26 3:06:42 3:28:20 2:57:44 5 Nizami Alickolli 12 4:22:37 6 Ian Allan 11 3:46:44 7 Lorraine Allen 27 5:05:49 4:54:54 5:15:37 5:18:18 5:10:15 8 Heinz Altheide 12 5:26:37 9 Tristan Andrews 9 3:48:02 3:40:23 3:47:22 3:59:45 4:18:02 10 Michael Astill 12 3:38:14 3:28:17 3:36:38 3:29:24 3:49:38 11 Michael Atkinson 13 2:57:47 3:07:29 3:42:47 3:24:40 12 Kester Baines 14 3:31:13 13 Paul Ban 11 4:39:49 4:24:34 4:31:50 14 Stephen Barker 30 4:20:59 5:20:09 5:27:19 15 Steven Barker 22 3:28:04 3:13:26 3:26:09 16 Kevin Barry 20 4:28:17 4:28:22 4:23:01 4:31:43 5:19:12 17 Marko Bartholomeusz 19 4:30:01 4:41:18 4:42:49 4:45:59 18 Ash Bartholomew 21 3:30:35 3:53:06 3:55:17 19 Duncan Bartley 28 4:35:14 4:48:03 5:31:45 3:59:12 5:18:11 20 Paul Barton 12 3:54:35 3:47:01 4:13:26 3:28:02 3:20:58 21 Paul Basile 11 4:19:49 22 Candida Baskcomb 10 4:26:08 4:39:40 4:01:41 4:01:32 4:58:02 23 Pete Battrick 37 6:59:13 6:46:48 6:50:27 24 Rod Bayley 21 4:03:28 4:16:27 4:36:18 4:16:33 4:41:43 25 Darryn Bechaz 14 3:48:45 26 Kathy Bedford 15 6:53:41 6:50:20 6:37:25 27 Christine Beer 10 4:04:57 3:50:09 4:11:57 28 Peter Bignell 11 3:21:27 3:44:13 29 Peter Bishop 14 4:27:45 5:08:47 30 Frank Biviano 39 4:58:05 4:47:17 5:17:22 5:10:32 5:29:02 31 Peter Black 17 3:17:46 3:15:56 3:22:05 3:25:03 3:33:42 32 James Black 10 3:50:08 33 Garry James Blake 19 4:31:37 5:38:24 34 Andrew Blood 9 3:47:28 3:43:03 4:07:14 35 Marie Blood 18 5:44:37 36 Michael Bohnke 19 3:56:32 4:13:38 37 Trent Bolton 11 3:32:25 3:36:11 3:41:19 38 Catherine Bombardieri 15 4:48:48 4:48:09 5:14:38 4:46:40 5:10:36 39 Syd Bone 13 3:24:19 3:31:36 3:49:36 3:33:40 40 Greg Bott 10 3:47:51 3:56:25 3:55:56 3:52:25 41 Anthony Boulton 10 3:07:10 3:21:07 3:26:02 3:22:51 3:23:20 42 Kuniko Bowden 14 3:39:15 3:38:26 3:50:37 43 Mike Bower 11 3:32:21 44 John Bowes 25 6:01:46 6:00:46 6:24:48 6:15:11 6:26:52 45 Ken Bowes 37 6:01:46 6:00:46 6:24:47 6:15:11 6:26:52 46 Robert Boyce 13 4:50:53 4:39:49 5:18:25 4:56:00 5:24:25 47 Ron Boyne 15 5:17:57 48 Robin Broberg 26 3:36:00 49 Ron Brockmuller 14 3:14:08 3:18:58 3:20:01 3:45:35 50 Anthony Broderick 10 3:24:53 3:50:09 51 Gerard Brown 21 3:07:15 3:08:39 52 Len Bryer 10 3:21:17 3:13:35 3:59:13 3:50:31 3:24:54 53 Jenny Buchanan 12 4:13:17 3:46:07 3:52:58 54 Alan Buchanan 16 3:35:19 3:23:18 3:31:35 55 Malcolm Bulafkin 22 4:54:00 4:43:19 56 Teresa Burgess 13 3:31:36 3:50:28 57 John Burt 31 4:25:54 4:36:38 6:37:34 58 Adrian Burt 14 3:14:03 3:12:30 3:09:48 3:10:39 3:19:26 59 Ashley Burt 14 4:00:34 3:52:02 3:45:42 3:46:41 4:34:29 60 Bret Butler 12 3:58:26 3:58:17 3:38:50 3:45:59 3:48:07 61 Simon Byth 14 3:18:36 3:20:06 3:21:02 3:35:39 62 Angel Calderon 10 3:52:17 3:36:19 3:51:56 3:52:27 4:30:12 63 Chris Campbell 17 4:12:25 4:15:57 4:32:31 5:05:44 64 Ian Campbell 36 4:46:32 4:12:13 4:38:55 4:55:47 4:34:23 65 Malcolm Campkin-Smith 14 3:32:11 3:31:36 3:33:43 3:35:48 3:55:38 66 Robert Carmichael 25 4:55:59 5:15:51 67 Darren Chester 11 3:30:12 3:44:43 3:51:14 3:45:25 3:58:43 68 Simon Chodziesner 10 3:47:58 3:50:12 3:38:06 69 Ray Cilia 16 3:49:46 4:11:08 4:14:15 4:10:54 4:46:39 70 William Coghlan 10 5:02:38 5:13:34 71 David Collins 14 4:03:31 3:56:55 4:15:44 72 Sarah Connell* 11 4:35:45 3:49:54 4:44:26 4:16:50 4:43:57 73 Geoff Cope 12 4:16:52 74 Tony Correll 14 4:29:18 5:00:19 75 Deborah Cowell 10 3:36:14 3:25:27 3:51:48 76 Jamie Craik* 25 3:49:53 4:07:35 4:00:43 4:26:24 77 David Craik 19 5:17:56 5:18:10 5:22:17 5:51:29 78 John Crameri 16 3:28:03 79 Phillip Crawford 10 5:03:51 4:52:36 4:58:34 80 Geoff Crawford 14 4:50:34 4:19:58 4:40:01 81 Hugh Creamer 31 4:33:54 4:33:54 4:38:32 5:15:40 82 Gavin Criddle 22 4:20:00 4:34:59 4:39:58 4:35:14 4:52:48 83 John Crouch 14 4:18:59 4:18:06 4:58:49 84 Tim Crowe 12 3:38:26 2:52:03 3:16:25 2:53:21 85 Peter Cutler 11 2:52:58 2:54:30 2:54:20 86 Steve Dafnias 10 3:58:14 4:32:47 4:35:34 4:33:55 87 Michael Dale 14 3:25:17 3:28:35 3:33:35 3:54:03 4:13:16 88 Craig Daniels 10 4:17:40 5:31:36 89 John Davis 19 4:25:30 90 Rohan Day 11 2:59:07 3:04:34 3:12:24 91 Tabatha Delaney 11 4:29:51 4:47:14 5:03:57 4:35:46 4:56:55 92 Lorraine Devonport 25 3:46:23 93 John Dobson 39 3:51:25 3:54:57 4:09:21 4:00:57 4:11:29 94 Gavin Donner 12 3:17:58 3:52:00 95 Felicity Doolan 12 3:49:08 3:36:41 3:30:46 3:50:10 96 Ken Douglas 14 4:37:31 5:05:38 5:01:15 4:34:47 97 Marie Doyle 10 4:06:34 3:48:13 4:08:33 3:53:11 4:12:11 98 Shane Draper 11 3:03:11 3:04:15 3:10:20 3:00:24 99 Dylan Dwyer 14 3:04:48 4:22:00 100 George Dyer 14 3:19:33 3:17:10 3:06:27 3:06:44 3:17:52 101 Paul Dyer 11 3:18:41 3:17:42 3:27:01 3:20:29 3:14:39 102 Jenny Eason 11 4:01:03 4:18:47 4:04:26 103 Michael Edgar 17 4:18:32 104 Anthony Egan 13 3:24:52 3:30:39 4:13:22 3:26:42 3:20:03 105 Adam Zur Eich 11 2:54:46 106 Andrew Emerson 16 5:11:10 107 Carol Engel 12 4:32:49 5:39:21 5:51:32 108 Michael Evagora 12 5:09:56 4:30:43 3:45:32 3:44:02 4:01:34 109 Ruth Fantozzi 10 4:14:00 4:23:35 4:13:48 4:48:23 110 Andrew Farrington 14 3:28:05 3:29:54 3:34:55 3:37:41 3:29:24 111 Tim Fearn-Wannan 14 3:10:16 3:17:40 3:08:44 3:07:49 3:49:58 112 Louise Feery 12 4:25:25 4:25:44 4:41:44 4:36:45 4:28:46 113 Bob Fickel 18 4:51:40 4:46:32 4:57:37 4:52:31 114 Ezio Ficorilli 10 3:51:59 3:39:39 4:02:32 3:47:23 3:56:28 115 Peter Field 25 4:20:42 3:54:48 116 Kim Finlayson 14 4:55:38 4:45:33 117 Peter Fitzgerald 20 3:41:07 3:51:23 4:02:33 4:50:53 4:48:33 118 Bryan Flegg 38 5:09:34 4:39:24 5:01:36 5:08:32 5:14:03 119 Jay Fleming 25 4:15:55 4:25:36 4:47:19 4:56:33 5:35:43 120 Robyn Fletcher 13 3:39:23 3:58:06 4:23:35 4:54:09 4:32:21 121 Susan Flockhart 11 4:11:48 4:26:04 122 Jamie Flood 10 3:18:09 3:41:26 3:48:16 3:56:49 3:45:24 123 Carlos Flores 18 3:09:06 3:08:00 124 Mark Foley 22 4:28:04 4:01:40 4:10:49 4:53:15 4:40:48 125 Rob Follett 13 2:49:19 2:48:12 2:50:42 2:47:26 2:55:12 126 Peter Forrest 11 4:02:51 4:39:10 4:34:13 4:15:28 127 David Foskey 39 5:11:58 5:01:31 5:30:54 5:04:51 5:32:09 128 Barry Foster 16 3:52:56 129 Lachlan Fraser 12 3:23:12 3:06:02 130 Richard Fullbrook 12 4:04:27 3:58:29 131 Lorenzo Galati 12 3:39:54 3:50:55 3:52:01 3:41:09 3:55:33 132 David Galea 13 2:55:29 3:03:45 133 Peter Gallagher 11 3:34:02 3:36:39 3:36:56 134 Chris Gamble 13 4:04:04 4:09:12 4:39:43 135 Neville Gardner 39 5:58:05 5:47:26 6:33:29 6:01:49 7:04:26 136 Sue Garner 12 4:04:07 4:06:25 4:41:44 4:21:39 4:18:43 137 John Garrido 10 3:46:31 4:24:10 138 Brian Gawne 32 4:23:40 139 John Gay 15 4:03:35 140 Robert Gilbert 10 4:22:50 5:23:26 5:09:09 5:16:45 141 Alan Gilbert 19 4:19:11 4:15:32 4:26:39 4:15:49 4:25:45 142 Kevin Gleeson 12 4:34:48 143 Lawrence Glover 34 5:33:51 144 Brian Glover 21 5:17:35 5:17:42 5:26:00 5:12:50 5:18:39 145 Pheidipides Goldenberg 16 4:28:56 5:12:18 146 Michael Gorman 17 3:48:13 3:49:52 3:51:21 4:08:59 147 John Goutzoulas 10 3:42:41 3:44:41 3:37:01 3:26:38 3:28:59 148 Christopher Grafen 20 3:06:38 3:16:10 3:20:13 3:28:21 3:39:34 149 Kevin Gray 13 5:42:53 5:34:10 150 Geoff Greaves 11 3:27:54 3:28:08 151 Philip Green 16 2:44:58 2:48:59 3:10:59 3:09:55 3:07:32 152 Maurice Gregory 18 4:50:31 153 Matt Griffiths 10 3:31:41 3:35:55 3:36:47 3:49:41 154 Mal Grimmett 15 3:40:40 3:48:19 4:11:31 155 Jane Louise Grover* 8 3:48:58 3:56:09 156 Rodney Gunn 10 3:28:10 3:36:36 4:20:45 3:35:58 3:56:09 157 Daniel Gurvich 16 3:23:03 158 Leonard Hallett 11 4:37:58 159 Justin Hansen 11 4:33:48 160 Paul Hanson 11 3:42:23 3:54:19 3:47:50 4:00:27 161 Charles Harcoan 38 4:42:12 5:04:53 5:14:30 4:51:13 5:06:23 162 Ian Hare 12 4:04:20 163 Bruce Hargreaves 39 3:58:36 3:45:15 4:01:27 4:07:32 4:51:25 164 Ian Harris 22 4:20:31 5:29:28 5:29:11 5:51:07 165 Stephen Harris 15 3:50:04 3:54:49 4:35:53 4:21:04 166 Russell Harris 31 4:08:34 4:27:33 4:42:34 4:44:42 4:54:59 167 Andrea Harrison 10 4:32:48 5:11:46 4:47:27 4:49:23 5:08:22 168 Scott Harrop 10 3:34:24 3:38:28 169 Brenton Harty 15 4:01:28 4:01:46 4:23:58 5:30:39 4:37:33 170 Jenny Harwood 11 4:18:53 5:11:46 4:47:26 5:13:32 5:08:22 171 Phillip Healey 12 4:40:16 4:45:11 4:48:36 4:52:30 5:16:13 172 Eric Heine 27 5:10:21 4:01:49 4:49:01 4:39:53 4:14:48 173 Stephen Hempel 11 3:42:35 3:51:41 3:53:11 4:00:49 174 Karen Henderson 11 4:51:00 4:53:57 175 Patrick Herft 21 3:39:02 3:38:15 3:34:52 3:40:53 3:46:32 176 Jonathan Holmes 13 3:54:44 3:48:22 4:55:58 177 Mark van Holsteyn 11 3:46:14 4:00:14 3:49:41 3:44:53 3:50:36 178 Jim Hopkins 37 3:57:45 4:18:33 4:33:07 4:48:33 4:34:12 179 Guy Hopkins 11 3:27:54 3:17:45 3:30:22 3:44:45 180 Brian Horne 10 3:43:36 3:54:04 3:49:12 3:45:42 4:23:22 181 Gary Hughes 10 4:38:15 182 Georgia Iliadis 12 5:10:16 4:26:54 5:06:36 4:40:00 4:47:33 183 Carlo Iovenitti 34 4:01:01 4:00:10 4:32:07 4:15:47 4:33:30 184 Christine Jackson 10 4:34:36 4:36:02 5:50:05 5:10:55 5:17:27 185 Mark Jacobs 12 4:39:37 4:13:24 5:04:28 4:34:56 186 Stuart Jacobson 13 3:12:15 3:18:13 3:36:11 187 Adrian Jeffkins 10 3:12:02 3:23:20 188 Richard Jenkins 17 5:00:11 189 Andrew Jenson 12 4:51:55 190 Janet Jones 14 4:04:45 3:58:39 4:41:44 4:35:14 191 Alan Jones 12 3:22:02 192 Stephen Jordan 13 5:30:54 4:46:09 193 Kari Jortikka 23 4:20:01 4:17:00 4:36:21 4:29:19 4:38:55 194 Juri Kaczkowski 14 4:32:12 4:22:17 4:33:53 4:44:47 195 Hilton Kahlberg 16 3:59:46 4:26:15 4:10:47 3:58:29 196 Paul Kahlefeldt 10 5:33:41 197 Carmel Kahlefeldt 10 3:22:46 3:30:24 3:41:04 3:46:19 198 John Kaparelis 29 4:43:06 4:08:46 4:44:44 4:29:45 4:51:27 199 Manny Karageorgiou 39 4:39:18 4:57:07 5:14:31 5:12:18 6:06:10 200 Francis Kaszmarek 25 5:53:58 5:43:46 5:48:43 5:33:04 6:03:51 201 Patrick Kenny 10 2:53:02 2:56:56 3:08:30 3:22:13 3:25:52 202 Moshos Kesarios 16 3:15:20 3:29:12 203 Paul Kofman 17 3:27:58 3:42:19 4:33:15 204 John Kondogonis 12 3:01:41 2:58:07 2:58:47 3:08:48 3:07:49 205 Ken Lancaster 14 4:41:06 4:44:23 4:36:57 206 Rosa Law 10 3:20:41 3:46:32 3:28:45 3:31:49 3:41:46 207 William Lawrey 11 3:48:52 4:30:57 4:38:59 5:10:27 5:05:16 208 Graeme Lay 19 3:47:58 3:47:50 3:35:20 4:27:01 3:50:09 209 Chester Lennon 14 3:35:38 4:00:00 3:49:29 4:21:10 4:44:26 210 Debbie Lewis 18 5:21:41 6:50:21 211 Greg Lewison 10 4:26:55 4:39:59 5:09:51 5:33:21 5:23:49 212 Steven Lightowler 33 3:15:36 3:15:00 4:41:04 4:09:46 3:22:33 213 John Lindsay 19 5:07:36 6:07:02 5:57:39 5:51:52 214 Christine Lithgow 10 3:35:51 3:46:15 3:40:33 215 Jane Lockhart 10 4:14:34 4:14:22 4:19:58 4:45:42 216 Peter Lowe 14 3:26:31 3:32:17 3:27:12 3:30:56 3:55:41 217 Jennifer Macfarlane 13 3:25:39 3:28:45 3:37:23 3:38:44 3:51:38 218 Justin Mackellin 10 3:55:07 3:18:24 219 Ken Marsh 15 3:41:38 3:46:03 3:45:10 220 Trevor Marsh 25 4:06:14 3:48:57 3:26:50 3:38:47 3:48:10 221 Adam Marshall 14 3:22:19 3:44:50 3:25:39 3:16:43 3:22:24 222 Kelvin Marshall 30 3:10:34 3:26:20 3:30:07 3:33:52 3:42:06 223 Genevieve Martin 11 4:07:16 4:18:31 3:51:36 224 Antony Martin 36 6:42:46 6:18:44 6:46:16 6:21:18 225 Dean Martin 11 5:39:19 4:06:12 4:04:44 3:59:03 4:22:58 226 David Martini 12 2:56:02 2:56:57 2:48:47 2:49:44 3:06:31 227 Jillian Martino 10 4:46:00 228 Carlene Matthews 10 5:27:21 229 Wayne Matthews 11 4:11:12 4:23:15 230 Heather McBride 10 4:06:09 4:05:57 231 Richard McCormick 14 3:37:13 3:38:23 3:31:25 3:53:55 3:42:51 232 John McGrath 13 3:45:47 3:58:42 3:33:35 3:42:21 233 Greg McIntosh 15 3:44:05 3:55:13 234 Samantha McIntosh 12 5:57:08 235 Steve McIntyre 12 3:29:32 3:52:08 3:43:00 3:52:52 3:55:09 236 Peter Robert McKenzie 10 3:56:29 4:13:18 3:59:44 4:51:17 4:07:09 237 Gary McLean 11 3:09:11 238 Noel McMahon 10 4:01:05 239 Conor McNeice 34 6:49:29 6:43:27 240 Kevin McNulty 10 3:39:11 241 Chris McTaggart 14 3:21:48 3:23:22 3:43:04 3:26:43 4:15:11 242 Warren McVean 13 3:09:13 3:08:51 3:15:36 3:13:20 3:17:44 243 Alan Meager 14 3:24:13 3:54:45 3:51:53 244 Con Mellos 10 3:29:38 4:28:19 245 Ken Miller 11 6:24:19 5:44:03 6:33:37 6:17:56 246 Steve Miller 16 4:34:14 4:37:11 5:14:39 5:17:25 5:59:54 247 Michael Miriklis 20 3:43:07 3:29:10 3:37:16 3:30:24 3:58:12 248 Peter Mitchell 20 3:05:48 3:27:43 249 Gregory Moore 26 3:39:15 3:36:56 3:29:09 3:23:57 3:38:46 250 Andrew Moore 29 5:26:49 5:57:09 4:27:15 5:08:43 6:30:41 251 Peter Moore 30 3:27:33 4:19:00 3:48:42 252 Andy Moore 29 5:05:47 5:31:40 5:33:05 5:42:59 253 Roy Moriarty 13 5:22:15 4:26:18 4:07:43 254 Gregory Morrell 11 3:18:42 3:22:46 3:29:33 3:35:55 3:34:30 255 Andrew Morrison 20 3:42:56 4:00:37 4:08:11 4:34:22 4:13:13 256 Keith Morrison 21 5:04:13 5:36:04 5:07:00 4:57:03 4:56:44 257 Glen Muller 21 6:06:52 5:19:58 6:45:09 258 Brian Murphy 14 3:29:48 3:50:38 4:05:51 259 Anil Nayyar 11 3:49:12 3:48:59 3:47:28 3:52:33 4:03:11 260 Ngoh Ngoh Nestor 14 4:16:05 4:34:25 4:28:12 5:15:35 6:12:08 261 Ian Newnham 26 5:22:34 262 Dennis Nish 38 5:23:29 5:31:42 5:58:32 5:35:40 5:54:17 263 Wade Noonan 10 3:28:25 3:27:45 264 Jillian Nunn 17 4:04:08 4:14:23 4:14:23 4:21:40 4:40:10 265 Cyndi Nunn 12 3:21:31 4:14:22 4:14:23 4:07:17 266 Brendan Nunn 12 4:59:34 267 Damien O'Connor 11 3:05:42 3:50:50 3:49:17 3:53:52 3:44:36 268 Joseph O'Gorman 10 3:56:31 3:57:24 4:38:08 269 Karyn O'Neill 21 5:12:06 5:07:33 270 Terry O'Neill 11 3:52:50 4:40:11 271 Tony Overman 10 3:41:05 272 Ashley Page 27 4:39:03 4:33:53 4:45:10 5:47:54 273 Stephen Paine 10 2:59:39 2:59:25 2:59:12 2:52:12 2:54:05 274 Frank Palermo 10 6:40:15 4:00:06 3:56:48 4:03:50 4:01:57 275 Carol Parry 11 4:58:54 276 Jim Parsons 13 3:57:11 3:56:25 3:54:08 3:51:47 277 Ian Patching 10 3:37:35 3:41:20 4:04:42 278 Gregory Payne 25 3:47:38 4:34:50 3:52:24 3:45:36 4:28:51 279 Alan Peacock 10 3:03:32 3:13:34 3:13:00 3:25:51 280 Brendan Pelham 10 3:21:20 3:22:50 3:15:06 3:43:29 281 Daniel Pelly 11 2:45:05 2:46:26 2:46:53 2:54:39 3:01:13 282 John Penney 20 4:09:29 4:09:24 4:02:11 4:22:04 283 Lynn Perks 11 4:15:03 4:36:27 284 Margo Pettit 11 6:37:24 285 Malcolm Phillips 10 5:23:29 6:00:41 286 Graeme Pickering 10 3:29:30 3:30:34 3:34:04 3:45:22 287 Vilim Podreka 18 4:45:40 4:57:18 5:23:36 5:02:03 4:37:19 288 Klaudio Podreka 12 6:49:25 4:22:07 5:48:41 4:43:01 289 Vince Politino 10 3:40:31 3:28:53 3:57:23 3:43:56 3:50:48 290 Andrew Prestney 14 3:14:32 3:37:10 3:27:39 3:46:12 3:41:54 291 Bryan Rak 10 4:48:53 4:42:14 292 John Raskas 25 4:14:56 293 Otmar Raus 16 4:52:30 4:49:28 4:59:04 5:24:44 6:17:21 294 Ashley Reed 13 4:59:42 295 Bernard Reicher 21 4:39:11 4:58:41 5:05:48 5:09:27 5:50:51 296 Colin Reid 20 3:26:54 3:29:09 3:39:13 3:36:06 3:32:09 297 Gavan Reynolds 10 3:42:06 298 Antony Rickards 10 2:36:22 2:30:32 2:33:04 2:34:57 299 Peter Robson 21 2:50:59 300 Darren Rokahr 16 4:05:19 4:04:11 301 Domenic Rosa 15 6:36:53 6:11:35 6:37:33 302 Barry Rosenberg 10 3:14:10 3:19:21 3:56:25 3:31:44 303 David Rowe 11 5:20:32 304 Peter Rowland 9 4:07:00 305 Gary Russell 16 3:08:55 3:12:10 3:24:02 3:17:24 3:23:09 306 Peter Ryan 37 5:56:11 6:52:34 6:17:41 307 Robert Sapkin 15 3:34:40 3:52:43 4:22:27 308 Peter Seal 11 3:20:05 3:26:21 3:17:42 3:38:50 3:30:47 309 Andrew Selby-Smith 11 2:53:00 310 John Settle 10 4:29:12 5:16:47 311 David Simpson 14 4:03:19 3:35:28 3:46:29 312 Stewart Skinner 16 3:08:18 3:18:27 3:21:55 3:22:08 3:30:35 313 Mandy Skipper 14 3:31:49 3:37:52 4:04:04 3:54:02 314 Maria Slater 14 3:48:57 3:38:14 3:54:46 315 Colin Smeaton 13 3:58:01 3:47:51 4:14:24 4:40:50 316 Brian Smith 13 3:47:11 4:27:16 317 Lester Smith 20 3:15:53 3:14:02 3:54:28 3:33:23 318 Ken Smith 14 4:39:58 5:32:42 5:43:16 5:36:54 6:42:49 319 Brent Smith 11 3:28:56 3:14:21 3:31:23 3:20:53 3:33:03 320 Terry Smith 10 4:06:52 321 Stephen Smith 14 5:04:24 4:28:00 5:05:57 5:00:53 322 Peter Smith 23 6:38:50 6:49:17 323 Stephen Sonneveld 15 4:11:41 4:13:24 4:20:41 324 Kathy Souter 11 3:42:55 325 Richard Spry 13 4:31:10 326 David Staehr 10 2:49:45 2:49:45 2:49:42 2:49:50 2:52:44 327 Raymond Standish 27 5:32:24 328 Milan Stanisic 22 3:33:32 3:41:36 3:56:32 4:14:43 329 Andrew Startin 12 6:52:37 330 Paul de Stefanis 15 3:31:40 3:23:08 3:26:29 3:27:39 3:33:05 331 Tony Stevens 13 3:45:37 3:12:04 3:15:01 3:43:17 3:42:31 332 Jan Stewart 11 3:49:07 3:51:02 3:52:12 333 Kevin Stewart 11 3:24:19 3:32:07 3:22:53 334 Bruce Stewart 14 3:09:02 3:11:37 3:08:33 3:19:19 335 Douglas Stokes 15 4:14:03 336 Jane Sturzaker 18 4:27:09 4:06:11 5:00:10 4:57:30 337 David Styles 17 4:18:12 4:21:40 4:32:09 4:09:30 4:23:09 338 Mark Sulman 15 5:04:35 339 Grayson Summers 36 3:54:32 4:02:16 4:29:27 4:34:13 5:18:03 340 George Symons 25 5:07:24 341 Richard Tann 37 5:58:04 6:53:40 6:50:20 6:37:24 342 Scott Taylor 13 3:44:05 3:49:49 4:42:53 343 Michelle Tham 12 3:25:43 3:28:01 3:33:22 3:27:15 344 Brett Thiele 29 4:10:45 4:23:25 4:17:59 4:46:49 4:43:47 345 Barry Thomas 12 5:15:35 5:30:29 6:20:17 346 Vicki Thompson 19 6:37:02 6:34:22 347 Wayne Thompson 39 4:18:17 3:24:40 3:39:26 3:54:03 3:33:31 348 Vincent Tremaine 10 3:21:18 349 Maxine Trembath 11 4:35:36 6:33:56 350 Steven Trevaskis 13 4:30:40 4:58:54 4:58:48 4:56:05 4:56:24 351 John Tsiolkas 10 4:20:21 4:14:18 4:23:35 4:33:59 4:48:20 352 Ian Turnbull 10 3:33:21 3:29:29 3:45:10 3:42:54 353 Gavan Turner 20 3:52:03 4:03:33 3:57:17 4:42:55 354 Ian Twite 24 3:26:01 3:55:29 3:31:25 3:24:28 3:31:49 355 Danny Ungar 11 4:46:19 4:38:45 4:34:02 4:47:50 356 Phillip Urquhart 10 4:55:43 4:54:53 5:33:55 5:11:33 357 Bruce Venables 10 3:19:47 3:23:57 4:22:51 3:42:33 4:00:24 358 Henk Verhagen 15 4:00:36 3:58:21 3:57:35 4:15:11 359 Meta Vincent 11 3:25:06 3:39:08 3:28:39 3:44:15 3:31:34 360 Robert Virgona 14 4:01:10 3:53:53 4:05:37 4:25:00 4:20:38 361 Clare Voitin 11 4:07:12 6:52:30 362 Simon Walker 11 3:16:52 3:14:04 3:35:40 3:15:45 3:32:58 363 Nick Wallace-Smith 10 3:08:40 364 Brian Walsh 31 5:31:57 5:47:10 4:50:58 5:03:18 365 Yao Wang 10 3:53:44 4:02:04 4:03:27 4:15:38 4:03:42 366 Merle Want 10 4:14:14 4:33:25 4:37:36 4:41:33 4:57:30 367 Denis Ward 12 3:28:34 4:18:36 3:51:58 3:19:04 3:23:50 368 Chris Watson 15 4:45:50 369 Ken Watt 26 4:15:45 4:15:05 4:34:00 4:41:18 4:43:07 370 Roger Weinstein 38 5:08:12 5:51:06 6:17:39 6:48:20 6:40:14 371 Chris Wenzlau 20 3:39:22 3:51:58 372 Peter Wheeldon 10 4:39:20 4:38:29 5:03:50 4:57:24 5:12:29 373 Doug Wheeler 20 4:55:02 5:16:51 5:15:53 5:51:54 374 Kevin White 22 3:54:43 3:54:30 4:11:05 4:13:56 375 Doug Whiteford 13 4:00:50 4:00:07 4:08:01 4:10:29 376 Alex Whitworth 17 4:11:06 4:51:44 4:27:06 4:39:56 377 Steven Williams 12 3:06:17 3:08:46 3:10:36 378 Dale Williams 12 3:19:01 3:29:45 3:18:44 3:21:13 3:35:35 379 Roland Williams 11 3:56:21 3:59:25 3:45:00 3:46:29 4:21:05 380 Maureen Wilson 21 3:33:39 4:57:07 4:14:16 381 Judy Wines 25 5:02:12 382 Cezary Wisniewski 11 3:43:48 3:51:00 4:40:12 383 Adrian Woolard 11 3:38:42 3:40:19 3:35:13 3:55:20 3:54:45 384 Christopher Worsnop 17 4:51:40 4:32:53 4:53:14 385 Greg Wright 18 5:54:09 5:22:06 5:41:37 6:18:50 6:47:17 386 David Wynn 10 3:22:03 3:11:17 387 James Yatomi-Clarke 31 4:24:41 4:39:44 4:44:31 4:24:59 4:49:49 388 Mitsuo Yonemori 18 4:37:09 4:48:38 4:42:53 4:53:30 4:34:02 389 Pamela Young 11 4:42:33 5:30:01 5:46:29 5:11:37 5:32:43 390 John Zachariadis 16 3:59:36 3:35:15 4:49:06 3:49:12 3:38:01 391 Con Zanetidis 31 5:03:06 3:38:22 3:24:42 3:27:35 392 John Zeleznikow 23 7:12:23 6:55:47 6:48:24 393 Mike Zervos 12 4:25:50 4:31:31 4:45:08 4:45:06 4:56:36 394 Ted Zgainski 24 3:33:37 3:49:52 3:40:46 3:52:59 4:31:15 395 Max Zimmermann 11 3:55:26 3:46:14 3:50:36 3:43:51 4:03:30 396 Agni Ziogos 21 3:31:51 3:28:26